A Tale of the Second Wind

"A return of strength or energy that allows you to continue with an activity or to start again", such as the definition of 'Second Wind' in worldly language. Biblically speaking, however, it is a metaphor for those who fell down into the race of eternal life; got up, and ran again.

I couldn't think of a clearer example of this other than the two kings of old — Saul and David. King Saul started his reign very well, and the people of Israel undoubtedly loved him as they rejoiced greatly with him when they made him their King (1 Samuel 11:15). Likewise, even before he became king, David was loved by Israel and Judah (1 Samuel 18:16). They got off to a good start, both eventually fell down into the race as they both disobeyed God. Saul offered an unlawful sacrifice to the Lord (1 Samuel 13:9), David committed adultery and murder (2 Samuel 11:4,15). Both felt sorry for what they have done. One sincerely repented, but the other only felt remorse. Only one of the two ran the Second Wind.

A thousand years later, two apostles whose feet were washed by our Lord Jesus Christ (John 13:5). One betrayed him, the other denied him. Judas admitted his sin (Matthew 27:4), Peter went out and wept bitterly (Matthew 26:75). Both felt sorry for what they have done. One truly repented and was restored, but the other only felt remorse and hanged himself. Only one of the two ran the Second Wind.

The two repentant people above have been used mightily by God throughout redemptive history. They were not perfect - David and Peter, they too were sinners, just like us, but they ran the Second Wind. Think about this. Isn't this an encouragement?

Now, I appeal to those reading this post, who are in a state of spiritual lukewarmness, to get up and run again. Have you committed murder and adultery? So did the man after God's own heart. Have you denied the Lord many times? So did the spokesperson of the Apostles. Think about this. Read that again. Isn't this an encouragement? 

As the song beautifully states: "Our sins they are many, His mercy is more." Not a droplet, but an ocean of mercy, is available on the throne of Grace to those who will come with their humble hearts.

“Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.” (Hebrews 4:11)

Get up on your feet and run to Christ! Run the Second Wind!


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